Triad butterflies,
Given the late notice of our field trip and the cloudy and cool weather forecast, we had a good turn out of 8 people for our first Triad Chapter butterfly walk of 2016. We met at Harriet McCarthy’s butterfly garden in Historic Bethabara in Winston-Salem. The morning actually was both warmer and sunnier than predicted.
Only a few plants were blooming; there were a few early one in the garden and several wildflowers (all non-natives) in the mowed lawn. They were attracting native bees of various species but no butterflies.
We had a nice walk of a mile or a bit more through the historic vegetable garden recreation, around the adjacent settlement grounds, and along the nearby greenway. We saw a Cabbage White, a second white butterfly that was too far away to identify, one Orange Sulphur, two azure species, and an Eastern Comma. Our walk was accompanied by the singing of Upland Chorus Frogs and American Toads.
Attached is a photo of one of the azures that paused long enough for the photographers in the group to grab a few shots. This one is by Ann Walter-Fromson. Any guesses about whether it’s a spring or a summer azure?

Azure, Photo taken March 12, 2016 at Bethebara.