Tag Archives: Wildlife Management Area

Wateree River HP & WMA (Southern Dogface – Eastover, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Saturday, October 11, 2025, at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species is Southern Dogface, but we will also be looking for other late-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas, walk some of the trails and quite possibly “bushwhack” through fields following the elusive Southern Dogface. Some areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.9495, -80.6530. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.9435, -80.6555) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Dave and Marty Kastner will lead. Either register on the CBS website (using the “Register” link above) or RSVP to Marty at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

Coosawhatchie HP & WMA (Frosted Elfin – Yemassee, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Sunday, March 16, 2025, at the 10,879-acre Coosawhatchie Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. We will look for lupine and Baptisia tinctoria (horsefly weed) and a new population of Frosted Elfin, as well as other early-season butterflies. The walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the Pocotaligo Road kiosk that is located about a quarter mile into the property. The property entrance on Pocotaligo Road is located at GPS coordinates 32.6916, -80.9193. Directions from I-95, take SC-68 West in Yemassee, exit#38. Turn onto Simmons Road and follow it to Pocotaligo Road.

No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and a map of the property. Either register on the CBS website (using the “Register” link above) or RSVP to our leader, Tom Austin, at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

Wateree River HP & WMA (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

DATE CHANGE – Originally Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. We will be looking for early-season butterflies, as well as a possible over-wintering Mourning Cloak or Southern Dogface. We will drive to various areas, walk some of the trails and quite possibly “bushwhack” through fields. Some areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.9495, -80.6530. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.9435, -80.6555) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Dave and Marty Kastner will lead. Either register on the CBS website (using the “Register” link above) or RSVP to Marty at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

Webb Wildlife Center WMA (Hampton Co., SC)

The Webb Wildlife Center, owned and operated by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, is a management and research facility designed to demonstrate multiple-use wildlife and timber management. Meet in front of the WMA offices/visitor center. The restrooms are inside the visitor center which is closed on weekends.

Directions: From Columbia take Highway 321 South to Garnett. In Garnett, the road will fork, stay right on Hwy 119, turn right onto Augusta Stagecoach Road (S-20) (Across from Garnett Post Office), cross railroad tracks, go approximately 2.6 miles to James W. Webb Wildlife Management Area Entrance on the left and follow it (1.5 miles) to the office. GPS coordinates are 32.59086, -81.31240

Alison Smith will lead. Contact her at [email protected] if you plan on participating.

Tillman Sand Ridge HP & WMA (Jasper Co., SC)

Tillman Sand Ridge Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area is a preserve of about 2 square miles in the Outer Coastal Plain of western Jasper County, adjacent to the Savannah River. It was established to protect one of the northernmost populations of Florida gopher tortoises, eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, and many rare plant species. The preserve has examples of two important ecosystems, longleaf pine savanna and Outer Coastal Plain floodplain forest.

Directions: From the little village of Tillman (at the junction of Highways 336 and 321) turn onto Sand Hills Road. Continue on Sand Hills Road to the kiosk at a small parking area just off the left side of the road. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 32.499295, -81.1999621.

There are no organized hunts at this location, but all participants should wear orange for the walk. Do not walk on any of the gopher tortoise mounds. There are no facilities at this site.

For those who need to stay overnight, hotels are available in Hardeeville.

Alison Smith will lead. Contact her at [email protected] if you plan on participating.

Wateree River HP & WMA (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species is Southern Dogface, but we will also be looking for other late-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas, walk some of the trails and quite possibly “bushwhack” through fields following the elusive Southern Dogface. Some areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.9495, -80.6530. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.9435, -80.6555) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Either register on the CBS website or RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

Wateree River HP & WMA (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species are Henry’s Elfin and Falcate Orangetip, but we will also be looking for other early-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.9495, -80.6530. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.9435, -80.6555) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Either register on the CBS website or RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

Post-Symposium Walk – Wateree River HP and WMA (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

This is a post-symposium butterfly walk at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area but anyone is welcome whether they plan on attending the symposium or not. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy. The Southern Dogface has been seen consistently at this site.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.94949, -80.65303. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.94353, -80.65551) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Please register online at the CBS website or RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the SCDNR website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

Wateree River HP & WMA – Southern Dogface (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on October 21,2023 at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species is the Southern Dogface, but we will also be looking for other late-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.94949, -80.65303. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.94353, -80.65551) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Please RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

RESCHEDULED – Wateree River HP & WMA – Henry’s Elfin & Falcate Orangetip (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)


Due to the forecast for rain on Saturday, March 18, this walk has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 21, starting at 11:00 AM. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will still be able to attend.

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species are the Henry’s Elfin and Falcate Orangetip, but we will also be looking for other early-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.94949, -80.65303. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.94353, -80.65551) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Please RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras, sunscreen, and bug spray. Long pants and close-toed shoes are recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.