Tag Archives: Water Fountain

2023 Symposium – Saluda Shoals Park (Columbia, SC)

Come and join us for the Carolina Butterfly Society 2023 Symposium that will be held on Saturday, October 7 at Saluda Shoals Park, 5605 Bush River Road in Columbia, South Carolina. Check-in will be from 9:15 am to 9:45 am. Presentations will be from 9:45 am to 11:45 am and 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm with a break for lunch and a short butterfly walk around Saluda Shoals Park from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm. There is no cost to attend but if you would like to purchase a lunch using the Registration and Lunch Form below, there is a $15.00 charge. (Please note that lunch cannot be guaranteed if we do not receive your lunch form and payment by October 2).

Featured Presentations

Tips for Field Expedient Identification of the Intricate Satyr in Coastal SCTom Austin – Land Protection Specialist for the Edisto Island Open Land Trust

Sex, Salt, and the Single ButterflyCarol Boggs Ph.D. – Professor & Director, School of the Earth, Ocean, & Environment, University of South Carolina

Native Plants that Attract ButterfliesDennis Burnette – Retired Professor and Current Nature Educator

Where’s Waldo: What Species Do We Need to Search for in South Carolina?Brian Scholtens Ph.D. – Professor of Biology, College of Charleston


Symposium Registration and Lunch Form – Copy and paste the following link into your browser of choice – https://www.carolinabutterflysociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Registration-and-Lunch-Form-2023.pdf

Please note: We are NOT providing single-use water bottles. Please bring your own water bottle and coffee cup. We will provide coffee, creamer, sugar, sweetener, morning snacks, sweet and unsweet tea, cups for tea, and ice. There are drinking fountains in the building where water bottles can be filled or refilled. Ice will be available for the tea and water.

Area Lodging – There are several choices at the intersection of I-20 and Bush River Road:
Doubletree by Hilton                       Best Western Inns and Suites
Quality Inns and Suites                   Sleep Inn Columbia
Other area hotels are also available.

Butterfly walks have also been planned for Friday, October 6, from 2:00 pm until 4:30 pm at Timmerman Trail in Cayce, SC, and Sunday, October 8, from 9:30 am until 2:30 pm at Wateree River HP and WMA in Eastover, SC.

Make plans now to bring a friend and join us.

Limited NABA Count – Congaree National Park

Due to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak and Congaree National Park still being closed to the general public, this NABA count will be a “by invitation only” event. Each group will be limited to one or two persons who have been specifically asked to attend.  We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you for the Fall count or next year.

CANCELLED – Meet at the Harry Hampton Visitor Center where we will divide into smaller groups.  Some will have longer areas to walk.  Some trails will have roots and may be overgrown.  There are no restaurants nearby.  Contact David Shelley if you can help with this important count.  You do not have to be an expert and you may come for a whole or half day.  [email protected]

Blue Ridge Music Center

Gene Schepker would like to lead a trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway specifically to find the rare Two-spotted Skipper. There should be lots of other butterflies as well.

Contact Gene for additional information.

We will meet at the Music Center parking lot near the office at 10:00 AM and hunt butterflies until at least mid-afternoon. The terrain is mostly level on bottom ground and is fairly easy walking. If you want to join us, please email your cell phone number to Gene. He will watch the weather and keep in touch as the date approaches.

Bathrooms, water and some food is available at the Center.

Latta Plantation NP and Cowan’s Ford Wildlife Refuge


Due to the large response we’ve had to our upcoming walk at Latta Plantation Nature Preserve, we would like to move our meet up location to the gravel parking lot behind the Nature Center and not the Nature Center Parking Lot. After you enter the park drive past the Nature Center parking lot to the next road and follow it to the lot behind the Nature Center. A map is attached for reference.

During these walks we generally see our highest species diversity of the season.

CANCELLED – Pilot Mountain State Park – Surry County, NC


I’m afraid we picked bad weather for our Saturday outing at Pilot Mountain. High temperatures are now predicted at 51 degrees, overcast and showers throughout the day Saturday.

There are still plenty of Brown Elfins there, particularly on the Jomeokee trail. I again found no Henry’s Elfins but did have 18 Browns yesterday (4/18/19).

Good luck on evading the upcoming storm!

Gene Schepker


Meet at Parking Lot (at 10 AM) near the bathrooms (as far as one can drive up after entering the park). Pilot Mountain State Park has no entrance fee but does have cool drinking water and clean bathrooms! Please leave me your email address preferably or phone number if you plan to attend!

NABA Count – Congaree National Park

Meet at the visitor center which has restroom facilities. We will divide into smaller groups. Some will have longer areas to walk. Some trails will have roots and may be overgrown. There are no restaurants nearby. Contact David Shelley if you are able to help with this important count. You do not have to be an expert to help and may come for a whole or half day.

NABA Count – Congaree National Park

Meet at the visitor center which has restroom facilities. We will divide into smaller groups. Some will have longer areas to walk. Some trails will have roots and may be overgrown. There are no restaurants nearby. Contact David Shelley if you are able to help with this important count. You do not have to be an expert to help and you may come for a whole or half day.

NABA Count Congaree National Park

Meet at the visitor center.  We will divide into smaller groups. Some will have longer areas to walk. Some trails will have roots and may be overgrown. There are no restaurants nearby.  Bring camera, binoculars, field guide, sun screen and insect repellent.  Wear long pants and sturdy shoes.  Contact David Shelley if you are able to help with this important count. You do not have to be an expert to help and may come for a whole or half day. [email protected]

NABA Count – Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary at 9:00.  There is a restroom facility and drinking fountain available before the count starts and again around noon during a lunch break.  The nearest town with full services is Jackson, SC.  It is recommended that you pack a lunch and snacks and bring water.  Walking conditions are generally easy.  Bring  good bug spray, hats, sun block, binoculars, camera and a field guide.  Wear long sleeves, long pants, sturdy shoes and any additional items you might need to have a pleasurable experience.  Please refer to the Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary website, Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary, for more information about visiting the facility.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  We will divide into two groups if there are a sufficient number of participants so we can cover more of the Sanctuary.