Saturday September 21, 2024 – Bio Way Farm
We will meet at Bio Way Farm at 9:00 AM and explore until around 3:00 PM. The address is 197 Bio Way, Ware Shoals, SC 29692 (or GPS coordinates 34.46988, -82.25832). The GPS coordinates for the driveway entrance on Bio Way are 34.47029, -82.25867.
We will walk the roads and trails of a 120-acre organic farm that is managed for ecological restoration and biodiversity. There is a mix of upland meadows and forest habitat as well as a 5-acre lake and riparian zones to explore. Walking difficulty level is easy to moderate. There is a restroom and drinking water at our meeting location. Gas and food are nearby. There is no cost.
Additional information about Bio Way Farm can be found at:
Sunday September 22, 2024 – Tall Pines WMA (Wildlife Management Area)
We will meet at the parking area at 10:00 AM and explore until around 3:00 PM. The address is 556-638 Moody Bridge Rd, Cleveland, SC 29635 (or GPS coordinates 35.06417, -82.56880).
Tall Pines WMA is a 1,757-acre SCDNR property. We will walk the gated roads which contain a mix of habitats. There is also a SC Native Plant Society owned site nearby which we will have the option to explore. Walking difficulty level should be easy to moderate but some recent reviews state that the trails are not well marked and, in some cases, overgrown and with trees down. There does not appear to be a restroom onsite. Gas and food are nearby. There is no cost.
Additional information about Tall Pines WMA can be found at: or
Target Species – Over 30 species have been identified at Bio Way Farm with many more possibilities to be discovered. Laurens County is an under sampled area of South Carolina so, while at Bio Way Farm, perhaps we can fill in some of the species “holes” on the range maps. Use the link below to access the Bio Way iNaturalist page to view past sightings. Possible butterflies at Tall Pines WMA in Greenville County are the Diana Fritillary and other Piedmont and Mountain species.
It is recommended that you bring additional snacks, food, and beverages as during the walks we will be away from public facilities. Wearing sturdy walking or hiking shoes is recommended along with long sleeves and pants as we may go off trail in some locations to look for as many butterfly species as possible. It is also recommended you use a good bug spray, wear sunscreen, and carry water with you. Be sure to bring those other items you may need (camera, binoculars, field guides, etc.).
There are many accommodation options in the Greenville, SC area, which is located about midway between the 2 locations we will be exploring. For reference, Bio Way Farm in Laurens County is about 45 to 50 minutes to the south of central Greenville whereas Tall Pines WMA in Greenville County is about 40 to 45 minutes to the north of central Greenville.
Chris Sermons, who can be reached at the email address listed below, is the leader for these field trips. Please either contact Chris or register on the CBS website if you plan on attending.