Tag Archives: South Carolina

SI Group Hundred Acre Woods – Goatweed Leafwing (Orangeburg, SC)

On Saturday, September 7, 2024, the Midlands Chapter of CBS (Carolina Butterfly Society) will hold a butterfly walk at the SI Group Hundred Acre Woods in Orangeburg, South Carolina, to look for the Goatweed Leafwing (we believe there is an existing, ongoing colony) and other fall butterflies. There will be a short drive on an unpaved road to get to our staging point, and, after parking, we will walk around the property.

There is a porta potty on site. Restaurants and gas stations are nearby. The walk will be on flat ground, but some field areas may be overgrown.

The address is 725 Cannon Bridge Road, Orangeburg, SC 29115 (GPS coordinates 33.465095, -80.884050). Traveling south on Cannon Bridge Road from Highway 301, go past the railroad crossing and come in the third entrance on the left just after the main parking lot area for the SI Group and just before the fenced-in electrical substation enclosure. After turning in, look to your right and follow the short dirt road, on the east side of the electrical substation enclosure, towards the tree line where we will meet and line up our cars. After everyone has arrived, a safety officer from the SI Group will lead the caravan of cars back to the Hundred Acre Woods parking area.

Please register online at the CBS website or RSVP to Diane Curlee, our trip organizer, at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Gum Swamp Road (Jackson, SC)

This is a CBS Midlands Chapter outing to areas near Aiken, South Carolina, to look for the Texan Crescent, Tawny Emperor, Hackberry Emperor and other summer butterflies. Please note that this event is on Sunday, where we will drive along Gum Swamp Road and stop at various locations along the road to explore areas of interest (or wherever we see butterflies). The gate to the lakes (see below for the location) will be open at dawn if you want to do some birding before our butterfly walk.

We will meet at the Kathwood Lakes parking area (GPS coordinates 33.33728, -81.84345) of the Silver Bluff Audubon Center and Sanctuary. We will leave some cars at this location and consolidate the number of vehicles. Kathwood Lakes is located on Silver Bluff Road just before the paved road turns to dirt and approximately 200 yards after crossing the railroad tracks coming south. Kathwood Lakes is the name Google Maps uses for the bodies of water at this location.

If you are coming from the north, Beech Island is the nearest place with bathrooms, places to eat and gas stations. If coming from the south, Jackson is the nearest place for these items. If coming from the east down Silver Bluff Road, (SC 302), Aiken will be the last town on your way. Jackson will be to your south on SC 125 if you need to stop just prior to the meeting spot.

No restrooms are available along Gum Swamp Road. Please RSVP to John Demko at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Super-Sod Farm and Surrounding Area – (Orangeburg, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will explore areas around and possibly inside the Super-Sod Farm in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Our target species is the Common Sootywing which has been recoded here in the past.

Meet at the Super-Sod office at 3086 Five Chop Road, Orangeburg, South Carolina, 29115. The GPS coordinates are 33.45936, -80.74331.

Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras, sunscreen, and bug spray. Long pants and close-toed shoes are recommended. Dennis Forsythe will lead. Please register on the CBS website or contact Dennis at [email protected] if you can attend.

NABA Butterfly Count (CSRV, Aiken County, SC)

On Saturday, July 6, 2024, NABA (North American Butterfly Association) will hold a butterfly count in the CSRV (Central Savannah River Valley) at the Silver Bluff Audubon Center in Jackson, South Carolina. Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary is a 3,400-acre woodland overlooking the Savannah River. Here you’ll find extensive pine forests and bottomland hardwood forests; beautiful walking trails; 50 acres of lakes and ponds; 100 acres of grassland; and all manner of birds, butterflies and wildlife. Refer to the website below for specific directions and additional information about Silver Bluff Sanctuary.

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Visitor Center in Jackson, South Carolina. The GPS coordinates for the gate just outside the visitor center are 33.32451, -81.84501. The street address is 4542 Silver Bluff Road, Jackson, SC 29831. Please RSVP to John Demko at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Important note: Using the street address, some GPS systems tell you that you’ve arrived one mile before you actually reach the Silver Bluff gates. At that point, Silver Bluff Road transitions from a paved road to a well-maintained sand/clay road. Continue driving for one more mile and you’ll see the gates on your right. As stated earlier, the GPS coordinates above are for the gate located just outside the visitor’s center.

Black River Cypress Preserve, Swampside Tract (Andrews, SC)

The Midlands Chapter of CBS (Carolina Butterfly Society) will explore the Swampside Tract of Black River Cypress Preserve near Andrews, South Carolina. This preserve is privately owned and groups are admitted by appointment only. Please note that we need to have at least 6 people attend and each must sign a waiver upon arrival.

The Cypress Preserve offers a unique opportunity to experience some of North America’s most diverse and exotic ecosystems—from mysterious black water swamps and rivers to sparkling pine savannas. We will explore via winding hiking trails that feature interpretive signs and plaques, identifying the flora and fauna that have evolved in these landscapes over millennia.

We will meet in the parking lot near the main entrance. The preserve address is 16368 County Line Road (Hwy 41), Andrews, South Carolina, 29510. GPS coordinates for the preserve entrance that leads back to the parking area are 33.4988, -79.5341.

Restrooms are available on the property. Please RSVP or send any questions to Tom Austin at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Sumter National Forest Long Cane District (Edgefield, SC)

We will walk Lick Fork Road, FS-634 to Horn Creek, and possibly Miller Branch Road. These are dirt roads with Prunella vulgaris and in some spots there are some relatives of Black-eyed Susans. We’ll meet in the Lick Fork Lake Recreation Area at the parking lot near the boat ramp. The GPS coordinates are 33.72642, -82.04029. There is a $3 per day self-pay parking fee for the area but this is only if you leave your car. We do not plan to start here so do not pay the fee. The fee is waived if you have the Federal “America the Beautiful” Pass as that covers Federal Recreation Areas as well as National Parks.


  • From I-20 get off at Exit 1 to Martintown Road (SC-230) and head north until you see the sign to turn right for Lick Fork Creek Recreation Area. If you get to the SC 23 intersection with SC 230 you have gone just a tad too far (less than 0.5 miles).
  • If you are coming up SC 125 from the south, take it to Martintown Road (SC-230) and head north. You will go over I-20 and then follow the directions above.
  • From the square in downtown Edgefield, travel south on Hwy-23 for 8.3 miles. Bear left onto Hwy-230 and travel for 0.4 miles. Turn left onto Lick Fork Lake Road (S 19-263) and travel 1.9 miles. The entrance is on the right.

John Demko will lead. Please let him know in advance if you are coming. There is no cell service in the areas we will be exploring. Call him at 803-761-3047 or email at [email protected] if you plan on attending.

Kalmia Gardens and Cheraw State Park – Hessel’s Hairstreak and Elfins (Hartsville, SC)


We will begin the day at Kalmia Gardens. The address on their website is listed as 1624 West Carolina Avenue, Hartsville, SC 29550, but that is the mailing address for the building in the center of the gardens. We will meet in the parking lot; the entrance to the parking lot on West Carolina Avenue is located at GPS coordinates 34.36548, -80.11746. At Kalmia we will be looking for the stand of Atlantic White Cedar which is the host plant for Hessel’s Hairstreak.

After spending some time in and around the gardens, we will drive approximately 30 minutes to Cheraw State Park. Our target species at Cheraw are all the elfins and, again, Hessel’s Hairstreak.

Marty and Dave Kastner will lead this walk. Please RSVP to Marty at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

Wateree River HP & WMA (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species are Henry’s Elfin and Falcate Orangetip, but we will also be looking for other early-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.9495, -80.6530. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.9435, -80.6555) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Either register on the CBS website or RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.

DATE CHANGE – Congaree Creek HP and Timmerman Trail (Cayce, SC)

DUE TO THE INCLEMENT WEATHER FORECAST FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 9, THE DATE FOR THIS WALK HAS BEEN CHANGED TO TUESDAY, MARCH 12. Also, due to the expected low temperature Monday night, the start time has been moved back to 11:00 am (from 10:00 am).

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. We will meet in the parking lot of Congaree Creek Heritage Preserve located at 634 Old State Road, Cayce, SC 29033 (GPS coordinates 33.9426, -81.0325). We will explore areas in and near part of the Heritage Preserve, along Old State Road and the Timmerman Trail. Our target species are Goatweed Leafwing, Falcate Orangetip and Elfins. Walking is easy and the distance is up to the participants.

There is a restroom at the Cayce Tennis Center on Fort Congaree Trail Road, but we will not be in that area until later in the day. Please register online at the CBS website or RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

Post-Symposium Walk – Wateree River HP and WMA (Eastover, near Columbia, SC)

This is a post-symposium butterfly walk at the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area but anyone is welcome whether they plan on attending the symposium or not. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy. The Southern Dogface has been seen consistently at this site.

Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.94949, -80.65303. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.94353, -80.65551) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.

No restrooms are available on the property. Please register online at the CBS website or RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

See the SCDNR website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.