Tag Archives: Public Restrooms

Duke Gardens Spring Plant Sale

Come support the Carolina Butterfly Society at the Duke Gardens Spring Plant Sale! Plants will be available for purchase–be sure to arrive early as milkweeds sell out quickly! We will have live butterflies and chrysalises on display, as well as other educational materials, and information about our organization.

If you would like to help out at the event, please register. Your assistance for an hour or for the entire event would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday Walks: JC Raulston Arboretum

Begin the butterfly season with a walk through the JC Raulston Arboretum! Meet up will be at the visitor’s center. Paths through the garden are easily navigated by any kind of footwear. Be sure to bring with you any necessities you might need to have an enjoyable walk. Amenities at the location include public restroom and water fountains. The arboretum is within driving distance of restaurants of all kinds. Parking is free. Butterflies typically seen at the Arboretum include: Tiger Swallowtails, Pipevine Swallowtails and caterpillars, cabbage whites, Sulphurs, assorted skippers, angelwings, and more! Rain date or poor butterflying weather reschedule date will be on April 11 @ 1-3 PM.