This walk has been canceled.
We will meet at the BP gas station on Hwy. 66 right off of I-26 near Joanna, SC. We will then drive to various parts of the forest. Walking will be minimal. There are bathrooms in the camping area, but we may not be near them until the afternoon. There are no restaurants nearby.
Meet at the visitor center which has restroom facilities. We will divide into smaller groups. Some will have longer areas to walk. Some trails will have roots and maybe overgrown. There are no restaurants nearby. Contact David Shelley if you are able to help with this important count. You do not have to be an expert to help and you may come for a whole or half day.
We will meet at the BP gas station on Hwy. 66 right off of I-26 near Joanna, SC. We will then drive to various parts of the forest. Walking will be minimal. There are bathrooms in the camping area, but we may not be near them until the afternoon. There are no restaurants nearby.
Our targeted species are Pepper and Salt Skipper, Common Roadside-Skipper and Dusted Skipper.
Please meet in the parking lot at the visitor center which will be closed. The main entrance is on US Highway 1, about 4 miles northeast of McBee, SC. There are restroom facilities at Lake Bee, but we will not be near there until later in the day. We will drive to sections of the NWR and stop to look for butterflies. Walking will be minimal. If time permits we will head to Cheraw State Park to look for butterflies there.
The address is 23734 U.S. Highway 1, McBee, SC 29101.
Our target species will be Frosted Elfin.
Participants are to provide their own transportation, meals, and lodging and all costs associated with this field trip.
We will meet up at the Weymouth Woods Visitor’s Center. The Visitor’s Center has public restrooms and water fountain. It is recommended that you bring additional snacks, food, and beverages as during the walk we will be away from public facilities.
After looking for the Yucca Giant Skipper at the off site location we will head to a few other sites in the area and work towards Sandhills Gamelands. You can pack a picnic lunch at Weymouth Woods or stop for lunch on the way to other locations. Wear long sleeves and pants, sturdy shoes or hiking footwear, and any other items you may require for a pleasant butterflying experience.
The nearest city of Southern Pines offers many upscale restaurants in addition to fast food fare. Lodging accommodations are also available in Southern Pines.
Road conditions in the Sandhills Gamelands can be tricky at times but we have not had issues recently. The roads are sand and are fairly solid but after wet weather can be difficult.
Meeting time at second location will be determined the day of the event.
Meet up will be at the Visitor’s Center in the morning. This location offers a pleasant walk through stands of pine forests. Pathways are packed sand. Wearing sturdy walking or hiking shoes is recommended along with long sleeves and pants as we will go off trail in some locations to look for as many butterfly species as possible. It is recommended you use a good bug spray, wear sunscreen, and carry water with you. Be sure to bring with you those items you may need to have a pleasant experience.
It is recommended you bring a packed lunch and snacks with plenty of water. The Visitor’s Center has public restrooms and a water fountain. The nearest towns of Aberdeen and Southern Pines have many restaurants and other accommodations.
Target species for this count are the King’s and Edward’s Hairstreaks. Additional species commonly seen are Palamedes, Spicebush, and Tiger Swallowtails; Common Buckeyes, Eastern Tailed Blues and Azures, and assorted duskywings.
The results of last year’s count can be viewed here.
Photos from Weymouth Woods NABA Count 2017 |
Edward’s Hairstreak |
King’s Hairstreak |
Meet at 10:00am at the Lake Haigler parking lot on Colharp Rd on the east side of the Highway 21 Bypass. Please download the trail map PDF to locate bathrooms and other public facilities.
We will start the day walking around the edge of Lake Haigler searching for the Byssus Skipper on the Buttonbush that grow around the lake.
After we are done at Anne Springs Close Greenway we will head to Elon Park about 15 minutes away located at: 11401 Ardrey Kell Rd Charlotte, NC 28277
At this location we will again search for Byssus Skipper which has not yet been seen in Mecklenburg County.
You can bring a picnic lunch and eat at one of the picnic tables at Anne Springs or stop for lunch at one of the restaurants on the way to Elon Park. The park has public restrooms.
Bring good bug spray, hats, long sleeves, sun block, binoculars, camera, sturdy shoes, and any other items you may need to have an enjoyable experience.
We will meet up at the Nature Center. Walking conditions will be moderate with some walking in tall grass with some briars. Long pants and sturdy boots are recommended. Bring snacks, water and lunch if needed. There are restrooms and picnic tables on site. Gas stations and restaurants are located within 10 miles of the Preserve. It is recommended you bring good bug spray, hats, sun block, binoculars, camera, and any other items you may require for an enjoyable experience. This is usually not an all day event but if the weather is good and the butterflies are out in numbers we may check some other areas. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Target species is the Dusted Skipper.
Meet up will be at the visitor’s center. There is a restroom facility at Lake Bee in Sandhills NWR but we will not visit it until lunch so please plan accordingly. Gas stations and limited restaurant choices are available in McBee, SC, about 4 miles from the Refuge entrance. The nearest town with full services is Hartsville, SC. It is recommended that you pack a lunch and snacks and bring water. Walking conditions are generally easy except for the Lake Bee section which can be difficult depending on water levels. Bring good bug spray, hats, sun block, binoculars, and camera. Wear long sleeves, plants, and sturdy shoes, and any additional items you might need to have a pleasurable experience. Please refer to the Refuge’s website FAQs for additional information about visiting the facility. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Target species is Hessel’s Hairstreak.
A wonderful citizen science opportunity for butterfliers! We will meet at the park’s visitor’s center. Transportation within the park to various locations will be provided. Amenities at the park include public bathrooms and water fountains within the visitor’s center. The nearest major city with restaurants and lodging is Elizabeth City, about 20 miles from the park. Be sure to bring with you the necessities you require to have an enjoyable butterfly counting experience. It is recommended that you wear long pants, long sleeves, bring insect repellent, and wear sturdy shoes or hiking footwear. Paths within the park are grassy and fairly level. Once inside the park conducting the count access to amenities is limited. The $3 participation fee for a NABA Count is waived. Please register for this event so that Brian can keep you updated about changes due to weather or other circumstances.
Target species is the Hessel’s Hairstreak. Additional butterflies to be observed include: Palamedes Swallowtail (a new state record number was observed in 2017), Zebra Swallowtail, assorted skippers, hairstreaks, and more. Review the trip report of the 2017 count.