Tag Archives: Public Restrooms

CANCELLED – 2024 Symposium – Stan Adams Training Facility (Chapel Hill, NC)

CANCELLED – Due to damage, flooding and road closures from hurricane Helene, the CBS Board has decided to cancel the symposium that was scheduled for Saturday, October 5.

Come and join us for the Carolina Butterfly Society 2024 Symposium that will be held on Saturday, October 5 at the Stanford M. Adams Training Facility in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Check-in will be from 9:00 am to 9:30 am. The cost to attend is $20.00 per person, which includes lunch, drinks and snacks. Please return your registration, lunch form (available using the Symposium Registration & Lunch Form 2024 link below) and payment so we receive them by September 25.

Featured Presentations

“My Experiences as a Relatively and Perpetually New Butterflier, or How to take up Butterflying without feeling overwhelmed and intimidated” – Alison Smith, CBS Past-President and Current Secretary

“Those Skippers and Other Hard to Identify Butterflies” – Harry LeGrand – Co-Author of Butterflies of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia

“Monarchs and Migration in North Carolina” – Brian Bockhahn – North Carolina State Parks

“(Mostly) Native Pollinator Gardens for Butterflies” – Debbie Roos – Agriculture Agent of the Chatham County Center of North Carolina Cooperative Extension

Walk – Tour of the “Pollinator Paradise” Garden in Pittsboro, NC, led by Debbie Roos. Directions can be obtained using the Symposium and Walk Directions 2024 link below. Hard copies will also be available at the symposium.

Additional Optional Opportunity – Visit Rachel’s Native Plants nursery in Pittsboro, NC. Directions can be obtained using the Symposium and Walk Directions 2024 link below. Hard copies will also be available at the symposium.

Symposium Registration and Lunch Form – Either click on or copy and paste the following link into your browser of choice – Symposium Registration & Lunch Form 2024


SymposiumStanford M. Adams Training Facility
2832 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27517-7657
> 35.77721, -79.04465 = GPS Coordinates for driveway entrance at Jordan Lake Educational State Forest
> 35.77419, -79.04146 = GPS Coordinates for Stanford M. Adams Training Facility parking lot
From US Hwy 64, travel north on Big Woods Road for 2.8 miles to the entrance of Jordan Lake Educational State Forest.
Turn right (east) into the State Forest and follow the dirt road for 0.3 miles. The road will end at the parking lot for Stanford M. Adams Training Facility.

Symposium Walks – Either click on or copy and paste the following link into your browser of choice – Symposium and Walk Directions 2024

Lodging can be found in Chapel Hill and Apex, NC.

Additional Butterfly Walks have also been planned for Friday, October 4, from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm at Transis Camp Road, Jordan Lake Game Land in Chapel Hill, NC, and Sunday, October 6, from 9:30 am until 2:00/3:00 pm at Jordan Lake Tailrace and Deep River State Natural Area in Moncure, NC. Please refer to the Events Calendar on these specific dates for full details. Directions can be obtained using the Symposium and Walk Directions 2024 link above. Hard copies will also be available at the symposium.

Make plans now to bring a friend and join us.

2023 Symposium – Saluda Shoals Park (Columbia, SC)

Come and join us for the Carolina Butterfly Society 2023 Symposium that will be held on Saturday, October 7 at Saluda Shoals Park, 5605 Bush River Road in Columbia, South Carolina. Check-in will be from 9:15 am to 9:45 am. Presentations will be from 9:45 am to 11:45 am and 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm with a break for lunch and a short butterfly walk around Saluda Shoals Park from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm. There is no cost to attend but if you would like to purchase a lunch using the Registration and Lunch Form below, there is a $15.00 charge. (Please note that lunch cannot be guaranteed if we do not receive your lunch form and payment by October 2).

Featured Presentations

Tips for Field Expedient Identification of the Intricate Satyr in Coastal SCTom Austin – Land Protection Specialist for the Edisto Island Open Land Trust

Sex, Salt, and the Single ButterflyCarol Boggs Ph.D. – Professor & Director, School of the Earth, Ocean, & Environment, University of South Carolina

Native Plants that Attract ButterfliesDennis Burnette – Retired Professor and Current Nature Educator

Where’s Waldo: What Species Do We Need to Search for in South Carolina?Brian Scholtens Ph.D. – Professor of Biology, College of Charleston


Symposium Registration and Lunch Form – Copy and paste the following link into your browser of choice – https://www.carolinabutterflysociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Registration-and-Lunch-Form-2023.pdf

Please note: We are NOT providing single-use water bottles. Please bring your own water bottle and coffee cup. We will provide coffee, creamer, sugar, sweetener, morning snacks, sweet and unsweet tea, cups for tea, and ice. There are drinking fountains in the building where water bottles can be filled or refilled. Ice will be available for the tea and water.

Area Lodging – There are several choices at the intersection of I-20 and Bush River Road:
Doubletree by Hilton                       Best Western Inns and Suites
Quality Inns and Suites                   Sleep Inn Columbia
Other area hotels are also available.

Butterfly walks have also been planned for Friday, October 6, from 2:00 pm until 4:30 pm at Timmerman Trail in Cayce, SC, and Sunday, October 8, from 9:30 am until 2:30 pm at Wateree River HP and WMA in Eastover, SC.

Make plans now to bring a friend and join us.

Symposium – Raleigh, NC


Please join us for a Carolina Butterfly Society symposium on Saturday, October 8, 2022, with sign in / registration beginning at 9:30 AM. This in-person symposium will be held at the Pioneers Building of Method Community Park located in Raleigh, North Carolina. A self-tour of JC Raulston Arboretum (which is located less than 3/4 of a mile from the symposium site) will follow lunch.

Presentations will be as follows:

1. “Launching a NC Butterfly Monitoring Program” by Jeff Pippen
2. “Mountain Butterflies – Butler Mt, Buncombe County” by Sparrel Wood
3. “Butterfly Counts and Databases” by Brian Bockhahn

The cost to attend is $40.00 per person and includes lunch from Subway.  Additional information and details are available in The Chrysalis (the CBS newsletter). This event is open to the public, so friends and non-members are welcome to attend. If you are not a member and wish to attend, please submit a Contact Form request to CBS (via the link below) and a Carolina Butterfly Symposium application form will be emailed back to you. NOTE – In order for shopping to be done in a timely manner, APPLICATIONS MUST BE MAILED SO THEY ARE RECEIVED BY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1.

Contact Form | Carolina Butterfly Society

If technical solutions can be found, we hope to “broadcast” the symposium via Zoom for those who cannot or, due to Covid, wish not to attend in person. The “host” will open the Zoom session at about 9:30 AM and participants are encouraged to join before the scheduled start time of 9:50 AM. Please note that Zoom software will need to be installed on your device to join the Zoom “broadcast” (viewing the symposium presentations). An email will be sent out to all CBS members during the week of October 3rd with a link to the symposium Zoom session.

Anyone can leave the Zoom session at any time by clicking the red ‘ Leave ‘ (or possibly ‘ End ‘ or ‘ Leave Meeting ‘) button in the lower right corner of the screen. Anyone who has left can rejoin the Zoom session by again clicking on the link that will be provided.


CANCELLED – Mecklenburg County, NC Dusted Skipper Blitz


This walk has been cancelled because 3 of the 4 areas we planned to search have been burned and there is no grass around. This walk may be rescheduled for 2023 or 2024.


Join us on May 7, 2022, in search of the elusive Dusted Skipper. This skipper seems to be rapidly declining throughout the Carolinas and is currently only known in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, from one powerline right-of-way.

We will meet up at Latta Nature Preserve at 10:00 in the Gar Creek Canoe Access parking lot, GPS coordinates 35.34968, -80.92404, to explore a once-reliable location for this skipper. Depending on the size of our group, we may split up into smaller groups to take advantage of extra eyes and search as many suitable locations for Dusted Skippers as we can. This outing aims to attempt to locate additional populations of the beautiful single brooded species. Refer to the website below for a map and additional information about Latta Nature Preserve.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP on the Carolina Butterfly Society website or email Robert Gilson at [email protected].

This trip will be co-led by Robert Gilson and Chris Talkington. Make sure to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, insect repellent, a hat, binoculars, a camera, and your favorite field guide.

J.C. Raulston Arboretum

For this CBS walk, we are hoping to reorganize the Triangle Chapter of the Carolina Butterfly Society beginning with a garden walk followed by a field trip in the Raleigh-Durham area.

On Friday, August 6, we will meet in the parking lot of the J.C. Raulston Arboretum at 10:00 am for some easy butterflying in the gardens there. The arboretum address is 4415 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC 27606. Currently the gardens are open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays only. The current arboretum policy is that masks are required indoors but not outdoors, and social distancing is required both indoors and outdoors. These policies may be relaxed by August 6th. Please check the arboretum’s website for the most up-to-date information at: https://jcra.ncsu.edu//

For those who use GPS, the coordinates of the arboretum entrance are 35.794921, -78.700278. Restrooms are available at the arboretum and good places to eat are not far away.

Carolina Sandhills NWR

The Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter will hold a butterfly walk on FRIDAY, June 11 to Carolina Sandhills NWR (National Wildlife Refuge) in South Carolina. This is the walk that was rescheduled due to an unfavorable weather forecast on June 5.

Please meet in the parking lot at the visitor center of Carolina Sandhills NWR. The main entrance is on US Highway 1, about 4 miles northeast of McBee, SC. The address is 23734 U.S. Highway 1, McBee, SC 29101; The GPS coordinates are 34.502551, -80.223653.

Our target species will be hairstreaks including Banded, Coral and King’s and Southern Dogface. There are restroom facilities at Lake Bee, but we will not be near there until later in the day if at all. There are gas stations in McBee. We will drive to sections of the NWR and stop to look for butterflies. Walking will be minimal. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras, sunscreen, and bug spray. Long pants and close-toed shoes are recommended. Marty and Dave Kastner will lead. Please register on the CBS website or contact [email protected] if you can attend.

Edisto Memorial Gardens

The Edisto Memorial Gardens is owned and operated by the City of Orangeburg. There is No Admission Fee. Come see this South Carolina treasure and hopefully we will spot some butterflies too!

Suggestion: Park in the Upper Parking Lot and park toward the far end.

Restrooms are located to the far-right upper corner of the parking lot. Follow the sidewalk to the buildings down the hill and to the right.

We will meet in the Lower Parking lot to begin our walk. Follow the pavement to the far upper left and walk down the incline to the parking area below. Our walk will end back at the Upper Parking area.

This is an easy walk with some steps and moderate inclines. There is a board walk that enables us to see the North Fork of the Edisto River. The Edisto River is the longest free flowing Black Water River in North America. What makes this a black water river? Come and discover the answer.

Bring: Bug Spray, Water, Snacks, Insect Guides, Camera.

We will see Roses, Canada Geese, Turtles, a Chinese Waterwheel, and the river. We hope to see butterflies. There will be an opportunity to stand on a million gallons of water, you will not get your feet wet! Come see how the old city dump was transformed (1920’s) into an area of beauty before it became the “in thing to do!”

The gardens are affiliated with the American Garden Rose Selections (AGRS) and has an American Rose Society Award of Excellence Test Garden.

The Edisto Memorial Gardens are located at 218 Riverside Drive, SW, Orangeburg, SC 29115. The website is: www.orangeburg.sc.us/edisto-memorial-gardens.

Contact: Diane Curlee, cell phone (803) 378-0536 if you are planning to attend the walk.

Latta Plantation NP and Cowan’s Ford Wildlife Refuge


Due to the large response we’ve had to our upcoming walk at Latta Plantation Nature Preserve, we would like to move our meet up location to the gravel parking lot behind the Nature Center and not the Nature Center Parking Lot. After you enter the park drive past the Nature Center parking lot to the next road and follow it to the lot behind the Nature Center. A map is attached for reference.

During these walks we generally see our highest species diversity of the season.