Due to a weather forecast for heavy overnight rains on Friday extending into the morning of Saturday, March 19, 2022, this walk has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, March 20, 2022. We will meet at the same location listed below but, due to cooler temperatures, will delay starting by 1/2 hour, changing the start time from 10:00am to 10:30am. Hope to see you there.
On Sunday, March 20, 2022, the Midlands Chapter of CBS (Carolina Butterfly Society) will hold a butterfly walk at Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area near Columbia, South Carolina, to look for Henry’s Elfin and other early season butterflies. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails.
Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.94949, -80.65303. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.94353, -80.65551) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.
No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Please RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate.
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, the Triad Chapter of CBS (Carolina Butterfly Society) will hold a butterfly walk at Reedy Fork Trail near Greensboro, North Carolina, to look for the Zebra Swallowtail and other early butterflies. The Reedy Fork Trail parallels the Reedy Fork Creek that flows into back waters of Lake Townsend. You will also find signs of deer, raccoon, and beaver on this heavily wooded trail, making it an excellent pick for a moderate hike (or for another day, a scenic bike ride). The total length of the trail is about 3.5 miles. Refer to the website below for a map and additional information.
Meet at the trailhead parking area, GPS coordinates 36.17361, -79.83784, located on the east side of Lake Brandt Road just to the north of Lake Brandt Marina and the dam. Please RSVP to Anne Carlson at the email address below if you plan to participate.
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, the Triad Chapter of CBS (Carolina Butterfly Society) will hold a butterfly walk at Reedy Fork Trail near Greensboro, North Carolina, to look for the Falcate Orangetip and other early butterflies. The Reedy Fork Trail parallels the Reedy Fork Creek that flows into back waters of Lake Townsend. You will also find signs of deer, raccoon, and beaver on this heavily wooded trail, making it an excellent pick for a moderate hike (or for another day, a scenic bike ride). The total length of the trail is about 3.5 miles. Refer to the website below for a map and additional information.
Meet at the trailhead parking area, GPS coordinates 36.17361, -79.83784, located on the east side of Lake Brandt Road just to the north of Lake Brandt Marina and the dam. Please RSVP to Anne Carlson at the email address below if you plan to participate.
Due to Hurricane Ian’s predicted landfall in South Carolina (along with the expected accompanying rain and possible flooding and tree damage due to high winds), the date of this walk has been changed to October 22.
This is a full CBS walk and a joint outing with SCAN (South Carolina Association of Naturalists) to the 3,674-acre Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area. Our target species is the Southern Dogface, but we will also be looking for other late-season butterflies as well. We will drive to various areas and walk some of the trails. Areas may be a little overgrown, but the walking is mostly on level ground and easy.
Meet at the first kiosk that is located on the right, about 0.45 miles along Goodwill Road after entering the property. GPS coordinates for the kiosk are 33.94949, -80.65303. The HP / WMA entrance is located at 15001 Goodwill Road, Eastover, SC 29044 (GPS coordinates 33.94353, -80.65551) on the north side of Garners Ferry Road, US Highway 378, just across from Goodwill Baptist Church.
NOTE – HP & WMA rules state that “All users must wear international orange from October 1 thru March 1.” so please bring an international orange cap or vest.
No restrooms are available on the property. Refer to the SCDNR website link below for additional information and maps of the property. Please RSVP to Marty Kastner at the email address below if you plan to participate.
See the website link below for hiking trails and other information about the Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area.
The first CBS butterfly walk of the year will be held on March 5 at South Tibwin Trail in the Francis Marion National Forest. Target species will be the Falcate Orangetip. South Tibwin (both the trail and a road) is directly off Highway 17 approximately 3 miles southwest of McClellanville, South Carolina. The entrance is well marked by a forest service sign. There is a parking area, GPS coordinates 33.07048, -79.52006, just off the highway. The entrance to the trail is gated so the entire area must be explored on foot. There are no restroom facilities on site. The terrain is fairly even and consists mostly of dirt roads or mowed paths. Full length of the trail(s) is approximately 5 miles and includes several loops. Refer to the website below for a map and additional information. There are a variety of habitats – marsh, pine forests and fields. Bring hydration, insect repellant, binoculars, cameras and lunch. Contact Alison Smith at the email address below if you plan on attending.
This trip was previously scheduled on Saturday, August 7.
On Sunday, August 29, we hope to explore the Flat River Waterfowl Impoundment (5094 Old Oxford Road, Durham, NC 27712) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and, time permitting and the heat situation, the Brickhouse Road Waterfowl Impoundments (5416 Brickhouse Road, Bahama, NC 27503) after 12:00 pm. These beautiful natural areas are located close together and are highly recommended by Harry LeGrand and Brian Bockhahn as some of the best sites in the Triangle for seeing butterflies.
Please bring your binoculars, camera, field guides, lunch, snacks and water. Be prepared to use the “green latrine” because these locations are out in the boondocks and bathroom facilities are not available. Masks are NOT required for this field trip and participants can decide how much “social distance” they feel comfortable with, (including at the meeting site for the Sunday field trip). Those interested in attending should contact Marti Kane and let her know that you plan on coming this event.
Everyone is being asked to meet in the parking area for the Flat River Waterfowl Impoundment at 9:00 am. The parking area is located on the Old Oxford Road between the turn off for Horton Grove NP (Jock Road) and the turn off for the Brickhouse Road Waterfowl Impoundments. The parking lot is large so it should be an adequate meeting spot. For those who use GPS, the coordinates are 36.1278, -78.832815.
Please contact Marti Kane for more details.
On Saturday, May 15, there will be a walk in the Francis Marion National Forest near Huger, South Carolina. The walk will start at 10:00 AM and everyone should meet at the intersection of Dog Swamp Road (dirt road) and 3047 Steed Creek Road. The GPS coordinates of the meeting place are 33.074667, -79.736444 (or 33°04’28.8″N 79°44’11.2″W). Google Maps indicates this location is 55 minutes or 38 miles from the Coburg Cow sign in Charleston.
Jock Stender will lead and Alison Smith will co-lead.
Please either register for this walk on the CBS website or contact the trip leader(s) so he/she will know you are coming. It is always wise to pack a portable lunch, snacks and plenty of water. Long pants and close-toed shoes are recommended. Bring your camera, binoculars, field guide, sunscreen and bug spray.
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and out of an abundance of caution, this walk has been CANCELLED.
This walk will begin at 11:00 (to allow the sun to get up over the trees) and end between 3:00 and 4:00. The GPS coordinates on their website is for a different location than where we will be exploring. The GPS coordinates for where we will meet are 33.934482, -81.037010. To get there, take I-77 to exit 2 and exit onto 12th Street Extension heading north. Turn right onto Fort Congaree Trail. Go straight and park on the side of the road just before the gate. There are restrooms at the Cayce Tennis Center, but it is currently not known if they will be opened. Much of the Timmerman Trail is paved, but we will be walking a dirt road (which is Old State Road). On 3/12/20, Marty and Dave Kastner saw 25 Falcate Orangetip butterflies, mostly males, along with 10 other species.
Marty and Dave Kastner will lead. Please register on the CBS website or contact Marty if you are coming. [email protected]
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and out of an abundance of caution, this walk has been CANCELLED.
This is in Jackson, South Carolina near Aiken. Our target species are Texan Crescent and Tawny and Hackberry Emperors. We will meet at the Kathwood Lakes parking area of the Silver Bluff Audubon Center and Sanctuary. We will leave some cars at this location and consolidate the number of vehicles. Kathwood Lakes is just before the dirt road portion of Silver Bluff Road and approximately 200 yards after crossing the railroad tracks coming south on Silver Bluff Road. Kathwood Lakes is the name Google Maps uses for the bodies of water at this location. The GPS coordinates are 33.337279, -81.843453. If you are coming from the north Beech Island is the nearest place with bathrooms, places to eat and gas stations. If coming from the south, Jackson is the nearest place for these items. If coming from the east down Silver Bluff Road, SC 302, Aiken will be the last town on your way. Jackson will be to your south on SC 125 if you need to stop just prior to the meeting spot. John Demko will lead. [email protected]
Santee Coastal Reserve Wildlife Management Area
220 Santee Gun Club Road
McClellanville, SC 29458
GPS Coordinates: 33.147765, -79.396188
Meeting Location
Lily Pond Baptist Church
734 South Santee Road
McClellanville, SC 29458
GPS Coordinates: 33.152602, -79.410820
Driving Directions
From Charleston or Mt. Pleasant:
Drive north on US 17. Once past the small town of McClellanville, turn right onto South Santee Road (State Rd S-10-857) and drive until it intersects with Santee Gun Club Road. Lily Pond Baptist Church is at this junction on the right. Park behind the church.
From Georgetown:
Drive south on US 17 for approximately 15.0 miles. One mile beyond the South Santee River Bridge, turn left onto South Santee Road (State Road S-10-857). Drive approximately 1.4 miles until it intersects with Santee Gun Club Road. Lily Pond Baptist Church is at this junction on the left. Park behind the church.