Tag Archives: Nature Preserve

Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve & Sandhills Gamelands (NC)

Saturday June 1, 2024 – Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve

We will meet at the Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve Visitor’s Center at 9:00 a.m. The visitor’s center address is 1024 N Fort Bragg Road, Southern Pines, NC 28387 (with GPS coordinates listed on the website as 35.1470, -79.3715). The GPS coordinates for the entrance to the visitor’s center from N Fort Bragg Road are 35.14681, -79.37183.

This location offers a pleasant walk through stands of pine forests. Pathways are packed sand. We will likely visit the Paint Hill Tract while at Weymouth Woods, and if time allows, we may make a stop at Sandhills Community College.

Sunday June 2, 2024 – Sandhills Gamelands

We will meet at the BP gas station in Hoffman, NC at 9:00 a.m. The gas station address is 2183 Caddell Road, Hoffman, NC 28347 and the GPS coordinates are 35.02646, -79.55963.

From the gas station, we will venture in to the Sandhills Gamelands to explore the various sand roads, pine stands, creeks, and lakes to see what we can turn up. Road conditions in the Sandhills Gamelands can be tricky at times. The roads are sand and are fairly solid but after wet weather can be difficult.

Target species are the King’s and Edward’s Hairstreaks. Additional species commonly seen are Palamedes, Spicebush, and Tiger Swallowtails; Common Buckeyes, Eastern Tailed Blues and Azures, and assorted duskywings.

It is recommended that you bring additional snacks, food, and beverages as during the walks we will be away from public facilities. Wearing sturdy walking or hiking shoes is recommended along with long sleeves and pants as we may go off trail in some locations to look for as many butterfly species as possible. It is also recommended you use a good bug spray, wear sunscreen, and carry water with you. Be sure to bring those items you may need (camera, binoculars, field guides, etc.) to ensure a pleasant experience.

Rob Gilson, who can be reached at the email address listed below, is the leader for these field trips. Please either contact Rob or register on the CBS website if you plan on attending.

NABA Count – Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary

We will meet at 9:00 AM at the Visitor Center, 4542 Silver Bluff Road, Jackson, South Carolina, and will cover areas not generally open to the public. The Visitor Center is on the dirt road portion of Silver Bluff Road so keep going after the pavement ends. We will butterfly both in the morning and the afternoon. The restrooms at the center will be open at the beginning of the count and at lunch.

Latta Plantation Nature Preserve/Cowan’s Ford Wildlife Refuge

We will start at the Latta Plantation Nature Center and walk around the Latta Prairie section of the park. Keep in mind this walk is in August and temperatures can be hot. We will be walking on hard surface horse trails for the most part with a couple large hills. We will eat lunch at the picnic tables at the Nature Center and then drive to Cowan’s Ford Nature Preserve where we will finish the day.

Bring Lunch, Snacks, WATER, WATER, WATER . There are Restrooms and picnic tables on site. Restaurants are not nearby so plan accordingly .

Bring Good bug spray for Ticks and Chiggers, hats, long sleeves, SUN BLOCK, binoculars, camera, and sturdy shoes. Field Guides, etc.


Saturday — Weymouth Woods / Sandhills Gamelands

Participants are to provide their own transportation, meals, and lodging and all costs associated with this field trip.

We will meet up at the Weymouth Woods Visitor’s Center. The Visitor’s Center has public restrooms and water fountain. It is recommended that you bring additional snacks, food, and beverages as during the walk we will be away from public facilities.

After looking for the Yucca Giant Skipper at the off site location we will head to a few other sites in the area and work towards Sandhills Gamelands. You can pack a picnic lunch at Weymouth Woods or stop for lunch on the way to other locations. Wear long sleeves and pants, sturdy shoes or hiking footwear, and any other items you may require for a pleasant butterflying experience.

The nearest city of Southern Pines offers many upscale restaurants in addition to fast food fare. Lodging accommodations are also available in Southern Pines.

Road conditions in the Sandhills Gamelands can be tricky at times but we have not had issues recently. The roads are sand and are fairly solid but after wet weather can be difficult.

Meeting time at second location will be determined the day of the event.

Canceled -Brunswick County / Green Swamp — Sunday

The itinerary for this day will be determined at the end of Saturday.

Link to Google Map of the Green Swamp Preserve location.

There are no public facilities or amenities at either location that will be visited during this walk. Please bring with you any beverages, snack, or food that you will require for an enjoyable experience. It is recommended that you use good bug spray, wear long sleeves and pants, sturdy or hiking shoes.

The nearest town of Supply, NC located about 10 miles away from the Green Swamp Preserve has assorted fast food restaurants. The nearest town for lodging is about 30 miles away in Wilmington, NC. Participants are responsible for their own transportation, meals, and lodging costs.

Canceled – Brunswick County / Green Swamp — Saturday

Meet up will be at the intersection of Yarborough St SW & Ocean Isle Beach Rd SW located in Shallotte, NC. Map coordinates are provided to help you navigate to this location. Please click on the images provided to assist you with locating this site. A link to a Google Map of the location is provided below under Venue. Map coordinates are: 33.91954°N,-78.44591°E (dd.ddddd° format); 33°55.172’N, 78°26.755’W (dd°mm.mmm’ format); 33°55’10.3″N, 78°26’45.3″W (dd°mm’ss.s” format)

After arrival we will check the chinquapins for Oak Hairstreaks, then continue to the Green Swamp Preserve.

There are no public facilities or amenities at either location that will be visited during this walk. Please bring with you any beverages, snack, or food that you will require for an enjoyable experience. It is recommended that you use good bug spray, wear long sleeves and pants, sturdy or hiking shoes.

The nearest town of Supply, NC located about 10 miles away from the Green Swamp Preserve has assorted fast food restaurants. The nearest town for lodging is about 30 miles away in Wilmington, NC. Participants are responsible for their own transportation, meals, and lodging costs.

Latta Plantation Nature Preserve

We will meet up at the Nature Center. Walking conditions will be moderate with some walking in tall grass with some briars. Long pants and sturdy boots are recommended. Bring snacks, water and lunch if needed. There are restrooms and picnic tables on site. Gas stations and restaurants are located within 10 miles of the Preserve. It is recommended you bring good bug spray, hats, sun block, binoculars, camera, and any other items you may require for an enjoyable experience. This is usually not an all day event but if the weather is good and the butterflies are out in numbers we may check some other areas. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Target species is the Dusted Skipper.

Peachtree Rock Heritage Preserve

We will meet in the parking lot. The trails are mostly sand with some rocky areas and hills. Please wear appropriate footwear such as sturdy or hiking shoes. Gas stations and restaurants are within a couple of miles from the Preserve. It is recommended you bring water, lunch or snacks, camera, binoculars, field guides, and any other items you may require to have an enjoyable experience. Wearing long pants, sunscreen, hat is advised. Use of bug spray may be needed. Please note that there are no amenities at this location such as a public restroom or water fountain.

Target species is the Brown Elfin.