Tag Archives: NABA Count

NABA Count: Dismal Swamp State Park

A wonderful citizen science opportunity for butterfliers! We will meet at the park’s visitor’s center. Transportation within the park to various locations will be provided. Amenities at the park include public bathrooms and water fountains within the visitor’s center. The nearest major city with restaurants and lodging is Elizabeth City, about 20 miles from the park. Be sure to bring with you the necessities you require to have an enjoyable butterfly counting experience. It is recommended that you wear long pants, long sleeves, bring insect repellent, and wear sturdy shoes or hiking footwear. Paths within the park are grassy and fairly level. Once inside the park conducting the count access to amenities is limited. The $3 participation fee for a NABA Count is waived. Please register for this event so that Brian can keep you updated about changes due to weather or other circumstances.

Target species is the Hessel’s Hairstreak. Additional butterflies to be observed include: Palamedes Swallowtail (a new state record number was observed in 2017), Zebra Swallowtail, assorted skippers, hairstreaks, and more. Review the trip report of the 2017 count.