Tag Archives: Audubon Sanctuary

NABA Butterfly Count (CSRV, Aiken County, SC)

On Saturday, July 12, 2025, NABA (North American Butterfly Association) will hold a butterfly count in the CSRV (Central Savannah River Valley) at the Silver Bluff Audubon Center in Jackson, South Carolina. Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary is a 3,400-acre woodland overlooking the Savannah River. Here you’ll find extensive pine forests and bottomland hardwood forests; beautiful walking trails; 50 acres of lakes and ponds; 100 acres of grassland; and all manner of birds, butterflies and wildlife. Refer to the website below for specific directions and additional information about Silver Bluff Sanctuary.

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Visitor Center in Jackson, South Carolina. The GPS coordinates for the gate just outside the visitor center are 33.32451, -81.84501. The street address is 4542 Silver Bluff Road, Jackson, SC 29831. Important note: Using the street address, some GPS systems tell you that you’ve arrived one mile before you actually reach the Silver Bluff gates. At that point, Silver Bluff Road transitions from a paved road to a well-maintained sand/clay road. Continue driving for one more mile and you’ll see the gates on your right. As stated earlier, the GPS coordinates above are for the gate located just outside the visitor’s center.

The restroom at the visitor center will be accessible at the beginning of the day and at lunchtime.  We will eat lunch at the picnic area by the visitor center. John Demko will lead. Either register on the CBS website (using the “Register” link above) or RSVP to John at the email address below if you plan to participate. Please bring water, lunch, binoculars, cameras and field guides. Sunscreen, bug spray, long pants and close-toed shoes are highly recommended.

NABA Butterfly Count (CSRV, Aiken County, SC)

On Saturday, July 6, 2024, NABA (North American Butterfly Association) will hold a butterfly count in the CSRV (Central Savannah River Valley) at the Silver Bluff Audubon Center in Jackson, South Carolina. Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary is a 3,400-acre woodland overlooking the Savannah River. Here you’ll find extensive pine forests and bottomland hardwood forests; beautiful walking trails; 50 acres of lakes and ponds; 100 acres of grassland; and all manner of birds, butterflies and wildlife. Refer to the website below for specific directions and additional information about Silver Bluff Sanctuary.

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Visitor Center in Jackson, South Carolina. The GPS coordinates for the gate just outside the visitor center are 33.32451, -81.84501. The street address is 4542 Silver Bluff Road, Jackson, SC 29831. Please RSVP to John Demko at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Important note: Using the street address, some GPS systems tell you that you’ve arrived one mile before you actually reach the Silver Bluff gates. At that point, Silver Bluff Road transitions from a paved road to a well-maintained sand/clay road. Continue driving for one more mile and you’ll see the gates on your right. As stated earlier, the GPS coordinates above are for the gate located just outside the visitor’s center.

Gum Swamp Road and Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary (Aiken Co, SC)

This is a Full CBS Walk to areas near Aiken, South Carolina, to look for the Texan Crescent, Tawny Emperor, Hackberry Emperor and other summer butterflies. On Saturday, August 5, we will drive along Gum Swamp Road and stop at various locations along the road to explore areas of interest (or wherever we see butterflies). On Sunday, August 6, we will explore areas within the Silver Bluff Audubon Center and Sanctuary that are generally not open to the public. The gate to the lakes (see below for the location) will be open on Sunday at dawn if you want to do some birding before our butterfly walk.

We will meet both days at the Kathwood Lakes parking area (GPS coordinates 33.33728, -81.84345) of the Silver Bluff Audubon Center and Sanctuary. We will leave some cars at this location and consolidate the number of vehicles. Kathwood Lakes is located on Silver Bluff Road just before the paved road turns to dirt and approximately 200 yards after crossing the railroad tracks coming south. Kathwood Lakes is the name Google Maps uses for the bodies of water at this location.

If you are coming from the north, Beech Island is the nearest place with bathrooms, places to eat and gas stations. If coming from the south, Jackson is the nearest place for these items. If coming from the east down Silver Bluff Road, (SC 302), Aiken will be the last town on your way. Jackson will be to your south on SC 125 if you need to stop just prior to the meeting spot.

No restrooms are available along Gum Swamp Road. Please RSVP to John Demko at the email address below if you plan to participate.

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NABA Butterfly Count (CSRV, Aiken County, SC)

On Saturday, July 8, 2023, NABA (North American Butterfly Association) will hold a butterfly count in the CSRV (Central Savannah River Valley) at the Silver Bluff Audubon Center in Jackson, South Carolina. Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary is a 3,400-acre woodland overlooking the Savannah River. Here you’ll find extensive pine forests and bottomland hardwood forests; beautiful walking trails; 50 acres of lakes and ponds; 100 acres of grassland; and all manner of birds, butterflies and wildlife. Refer to the website below for specific directions and additional information about Silver Bluff Sanctuary.

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Visitor Center in Jackson, South Carolina. The GPS coordinates for the gate just outside the visitor center are 33.32451, -81.84501. Please RSVP to John Demko at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Important note: Using the street address, some GPS systems tell you that you’ve arrived one mile before you actually reach the Silver Bluff gates. At that point, Silver Bluff Road transitions from a paved road to a well-maintained sand/clay road. Continue driving for one more mile and you’ll see the gates on your right. As stated earlier, the GPS coordinates above are for the gate located just outside the visitor’s center.

On this same date, there will also be another group conducting the NABA count over on the Georgia side of the river. If anyone is interested in participating with this other group in Georgia, contact John Demko at the email address below for more information.

NABA Butterfly Count (SCRA, Aiken County, SC)

On Saturday, July 9, 2022, NABA (North American Butterfly Association) will hold a butterfly count in the CSRA (Central Savannah River Area) at the Silver Bluff Audubon Center in Jackson, South Carolina. Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary is a 3,400-acre woodland overlooking the Savannah River. Here you’ll find extensive pine forests and bottomland hardwood forests; beautiful walking trails; 50 acres of lakes and ponds; 100 acres of grassland; and all manner of birds, butterflies and wildlife. Refer to the website below for specific directions and additional information about Silver Bluff Sanctuary.

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Visitor Center in Jackson, South Carolina. The GPS coordinates for the gate just outside the visitor center are 33.32451, -81.84501. Please RSVP to John Demko at the email address below if you plan to participate.

Important note: using the street address, some GPS systems tell you that you’ve arrived one mile before you actually reach the Silver Bluff gates. At that point, Silver Bluff Road transitions from a paved road to a well-maintained sand/clay road. Continue driving for one more mile and you’ll see the gates on your right. As stated earlier, the GPS coordinates above are for the gate located just outside the visitor’s center.

On this same date, there will also be another group over on the Georgia side of the river doing a NABA count in the Phinizy Swamp Nature Park. If anyone is interested in participating with this other group in Georgia, contact John Demko at the email address below for more information.

Wannamaker Nature Preserve

This is a joint walk with SCAN (South Carolina Association of Naturalists) and, as of 6/10/20, they still intend on meeting and exploring.  Wannamaker is owned by the Columbia Audubon Society and is located 3.5 miles east of St. Matthews on SC 6.  It is not open to the general public.  There is a pavilion and bathroom on site.  Dave Schuetrum of SCAN will be the leader.  [email protected]

GPS Coordinates: 33.636649, -80.706006

NABA Count – Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary

We will meet at 9:00 AM at the Visitor Center, 4542 Silver Bluff Road, Jackson, South Carolina, and will cover areas not generally open to the public. The Visitor Center is on the dirt road portion of Silver Bluff Road so keep going after the pavement ends. We will butterfly both in the morning and the afternoon. The restrooms at the center will be open at the beginning of the count and at lunch.

NABA Count – Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary at 9:00.  There is a restroom facility and drinking fountain available before the count starts and again around noon during a lunch break.  The nearest town with full services is Jackson, SC.  It is recommended that you pack a lunch and snacks and bring water.  Walking conditions are generally easy.  Bring  good bug spray, hats, sun block, binoculars, camera and a field guide.  Wear long sleeves, long pants, sturdy shoes and any additional items you might need to have a pleasurable experience.  Please refer to the Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary website, Audubon’s Silver Bluff Sanctuary, for more information about visiting the facility.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  We will divide into two groups if there are a sufficient number of participants so we can cover more of the Sanctuary.