Carolina Butterfly Society Trip Report
Roxbury Park and Botany Bay, South Carolina
October 11 & 12, 2014
The Carolina Butterfly Society held its final scheduled trip of the season on Edisto Island and in the vicinity on October 11th and 12th. Annie McIlhenny was our trip organizer. On October 11th from 10:00-2:30, 32 people went to Roxbury Park owned by the town of Meggett. Ken Carman is the caretaker there and led us on our walk. He has some great plans for the park including a butterfly garden in addition to the butterfly habitats that already exist. On Sunday, October 12th, 32 of us explored Botany Bay from 10:00-3:30 (though not all stayed until the end). Annie McIlhenny was our leader. Both days were sunny and in the 80’s. Below the first number is from Roxbury Park and the second from Botany Bay.
Additional notes from Doug Allen:
We had 32 butterfliers on the field trip this morning at beautiful new Edisto Island Roxbury Park. I just uploaded photographs of 8 species seen at Roxbury Park and nearby Ace Basin NWR, one a lifer for me and another from the day before, a new SC butterfly for me.
Black Swallowtail 0, 1
Cloudless Sulphur 19, 63+
Little Yellow 10, 16
Sleepy Orange 1, 32
Red-banded Hairstreak 1, 0
Gray Hairstreak 2, 3
Eastern Tailed-Blue 0, 1
Gulf Fritillary 21, 381+
Pearl Crescent 8, 0
Painted Lady 0, 3
Common Buckeye 19, 44
Gemmed Satyr 1, 0
Carolina Satyr 15, 8
Monarch 0, 8
Silver-spotted Skipper 0, 1
Long-tailed Skipper 4, 54
Clouded Skipper 2, 5
Southern Skipperling 2, 1
Eufala Skipper 3, 2
Fiery Skipper 4, 2
Whirlabout 2, 0
Dun Skipper 0, 1
Salt Marsh Skipper 1, 0
Ocola Skipper 13, 4
Brazilian Skipper 0, 3
Swallowtail species 0, 1
Satyr species 2, 0
Checkered-Skipper sp 0, 1
Duskywing species 0, 1
10/11 Totals:
18 species
130 butterflies
10/12 Totals:
22 species
635+ butterflies
Trip Totals:
27 species
765 Butterflies
On a couple of side trips to the Ace Basin area and on Edisto Island roads, in addition to the species above some folks saw:
Mourning Cloak
Tropical Checkered-Skipper
Least Skipper
Marty & Dave Kastner
Blythewood, SC
Richland County