This is a CBS Midlands Chapter outing to areas near Aiken, South Carolina, to look for the Texan Crescent, Tawny Emperor, Hackberry Emperor and other summer butterflies. Please note that this event is on Sunday, where we will drive along Gum Swamp Road and stop at various locations along the road to explore areas of […]
This is a full CBS field trip that will be to a new location for us in northeast South Carolina, almost to the state line with North Carolina. We will meet our host, Brad Turley, at the GPS coordinates listed below at 9:00 AM. Southern 8ths is located in an area of convergence, where the […]
The Triad Chapter of CBS will hold a butterfly walk on Saturday, August 17 to Marie Poteat’s property in Jamestown, NC. Of all the triad butterfly reports this year, Maries by far have had the most butterflies. In large part, this is because Marie has spent years reintroducing caterpillar host plants and butterfly nectar plants […]