Latta Plantation NP and Cowan’s Ford Wildlife Refuge

Latta Plantation Nature Preserve 6211 Sample Rd, Huntersville, NC, United States

REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CLOSED! Due to the large response we've had to our upcoming walk at Latta Plantation Nature Preserve, we would like to move our meet up location to the gravel parking lot behind the Nature Center and not the Nature Center Parking Lot. After you enter the park drive past […]


Historic Bethabara Park

Historic Bethabara Park 2147 Bethabara Road, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

We will concentrate on the gardens on the north side of the park, which include a culinary garden, a medicinal garden, and an expanded butterfly garden. If we have the time and inclination, we will walk a short portion of the adjacent greenway. Note that we will start at 9:00 am in an effort to […]


Wannamaker Nature Preserve

Wannamaker Nature Preserve 33.636649, -80.706006

This property is owned by the Columbia Audubon Society and is located 3.5 miles east of St. Matthews, South Carolina on SC 6. It is not open to the general public. There is a pavilion and bathroom on site. The target species is the second brood of the Harvester. Caroline Eastman, the "original" organizer, is […]


NABA Count – Southern Lake Norman

Lake Norman

SAVE THE DATE! Specific information to follow as it becomes available or contact Taylor Piephoff for details.


Loretta Lutman Butterfly Garden

Visit and tour of Loretta Lutman’s extensive private butterfly garden in Asheboro, Randolph Co., NC. We visited this garden last year and had great turn out and a great time. Contact our host, Loretta Lutman <[email protected]>, for directions and to let her know that you’re planning to come. Note that this is a Sunday afternoon […]


Savannah NWR and Tillman Sand Ridge HP

Tillman Sand Ridge Meeting Location 32.463760, -81.107259

We will look for wetland skippers and southern strays mainly at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday and the Tillman Sandridge Heritage Preserve and Becks Ferry Landing on Sunday. SATURDAY WALK CANCELLED - Due to a lack of nectar and butterflies, the Saturday walk has been cancelled!   Saturday, August 24, 10:00 AM to 3:00 […]


Barbara Cullen Butterfly Garden

Barbara Cullen Butterfly Garden Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Visit and tour of Barbara Cullen’s private butterfly garden in Winston-Salem, NC. This will be our first visit here. Contact our host, Barbara Cullen <[email protected]>, for directions and to let her know that you’re planning to come.


Crackerneck Wildlife Management Area and Ecological Reserve

Crackerneck WMA 33.286, -81.781

Jackson, SC, Aiken County. Please visit their website for directions. This area is only open during designated dates and times. Meet at the gate where you will have to sign in and out. We may carpool on the property leaving the other cars in the parking area. We will drive to various areas to look […]


NABA Count – Congaree National Park

Congaree National Park 100 National Park Rd, Hopkins, SC

Meet at the visitor center which has restroom facilities. We will divide into smaller groups. Some will have longer areas to walk. Some trails will have roots and may be overgrown. There are no restaurants nearby. Contact David Shelley if you are able to help with this important count. You do not have to be […]


Parris Island, South Carolina

Parris Island Gateway 32.375001, -80.716649

This is a very rare opportunity to butterfly on Parris Island. The walk will be LIMITED TO THE FIRST 10 PEOPLE who sign up by September 9 either on the CBS website or by contacting Marty Kastner at [email protected]. When you register, you will need to PROVIDE YOUR fULL NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH. This information will […]
