Category Archives: NABA

Wake County NABA Count – August 15, 2014

Here are the totals for the Wake County butterfly count, held last Friday (August 15). John Connors sent it to participants only, in an Excel file. I copied the two relevant columns. Note that I haven’t gone thru and removed excess lines of species not seen.

We did manage 55 species, a very good total, considering the struggle to find butterflies this year. Several were new to the count, which started in 1995 — Brazilian Skipper and Great Spangled Fritillary, both seen by me. Neither is new for the county, and the Fritillary probably should have been gotten earlier, but we lie a tad southeast of the edge of the range. I did manage a photo of the Fritillary, but the Brazilian was not about to let me get close for an iPhone photo! Note a few other goodies, such as Great Purple Hairstreak, Harvester, Byssus Skipper, etc. And, note the absence of anglewings — not a surprise this year.

Harry LeGrand

Paplionidae- Swallowtails
Pipevine Sw.- Battus philenor 3
Zebra Sw. – Eurytides marcellus
Black Sw. -Papilio polyxenes 6
Giant Sw. – Papilio cresphontes
E. Tiger Sw. – Papilio glaucus 19
Spicebush Sw.- Papilio troilus 6
Palamedes Sw. – P. palamedes
Pieridae- Whites & Sulphurs
Checkered W.-Pontia protodice
Cabbage Wh. -Pieris rapae 19
Clouded Sul. -Colias philodice 1
Orange Sulp.- Colias eurytheme 16
So. Dogface – Colias cesonia
Cloudless Sul- Phoebis sennae 4
Little Yellow- Eureme lisa 3
Sleepy Orange- Eurema nicippe 23
Lycaenidae- Harvesters
Harvester – Feniseca tarquinius 1
Lycaenidae- Hairstreaks
Gr. Purple Hrstk- Atlides halesus 1
Coral Hrstk- Satyrium titus
Edwards’ Hrstk- S. edwardsii
Banded Hrstk – S. calanus
Striped Hrstk – S liparops
Southern Hrstk – S. favonius
E. Pine Elfin – C. niphon
Juniper Hrstk – C. gryneus
White-M Hrstk-Parrhasius m-album
Gray Hrstk – Strymon melinus 11
Red-bd Hrstk-Calycopis cecrops 2
Lycaenidae- Blues
E Tailed Blue- Everes comyntas 37
Spring Azure- Celastrina ladon
Summer Azure- C. neglecta 23
A Snout- Libytheana carinenta 1
Nymphalidae- Brushfoots
Gulf Fritillary- Agraulis vanillae
Zebra- Heliconius charitonius
Variegated Frit-Euptoieta claudia 18
GrSpangled Frit-Speyeria cybele 1
SilveryCheckersp-Chlosyne nycteis
Pearl Crescent-Phyciodes tharos 36
QMark- Polygonia interrogationis
E Comma- P. comma
Mourning Cloak-Nymphalis antiopa
A. Lady- Vanessa virginiensis 2
Painted Lady- V. cardui 2
Red Admiral- V. atalanta 2
C. Buckeye- Junonia coenia 69
Red-sp.Purple-Limenitis arthemis 17
Viceroy- L. archippus 9
Hackberry E.-Asterocampa celtis 8
Tawny Emperor- A. clyton
Nymphalidae- Satyrs
So.Pearly-eye- Enodia portlandia
No. Pearly-eye- E. anthedon 6
Creole P.-eye- E. creola 3
App.Brown-Satyrodes appalachia 1
Gemmed Satyr-Cyllopsis gemma 1
Car.Satyr-Hermeuptychia sosybius 32
Little Wood Satyr-Megisto cymelo
C. Wood-Nymph-Cercyonis pegala 1
Nymphalidae-Milkweed Butterflies
Monarch– Danaus plexippus 11
Hesperiidae- Spreadwing Skippers
Silver-spot Sk.-Epargyreus clarus 93
Long-tail Skip- Urbanus proteus
Hoary Edge- Achalarus lyciades 2
SoCloudywing 3
NoCloudywing- T. pylades
Confused Cloudywing-T.confusis
Hayhurst Scallop-Staphylus hayhurstii
Juvenal’s Duskywing-Erynnis juvenalis
Horace’s Duskywing- E. horatius 17
Mottled Duskywing- E. martialis
Zarucco Duskywing- E. zarucco
Wild Indigo Duskyw- E. baptisiae 3
C.Checkered Skip-Pyrgus communis 8
C. Sootywing- Phollisora catullus
Hesperiidae- Grass Skippers
Swarthy Skip- Nastra Iherminier 10
Clouded Skip- Lerema accius 19
Least Skip-Ancycloxypha numitor 57
So.Skipperling-Copaeodes minimus
Fiery Skip-Hylephila phyleus 164
Tawny-edgeSkip-Polites themistocles
Crossline Skip- P. origenes
Long Dash- P. mystic
Whirlabout- P. vibex
So.Broken-Dash-Wallengrenia otho 2
No. Broken-Dash- W. egeremet 1
Little Glassywing-Pompeius verna 21
Sachem- Atalopedes campestris 141
Zabulon Skip- Poanes zabulon 88
Dun Skip- Euphyes vestris 6
Lace-wingRdside-Amblyscirtes aesculapius 2
C. Roadside Skip-A. carolina
Com. Roadside- A. vialis
Eufala Skip- Lerodea eufala
Ocola Skip- Panoquina ocola 29
Other Species
Delaware Skip Anatrytone logan
Yehl Skip- Poanes yehl
Dion Skipper Euphyes dion 1
Braod-wing Skip-Poanes viator
Byssus Skipper 1
Brazilian Skipper 1
Total Species Obseved 55
Total numbers 1064
Date au 15
temp 65-87
% sun 75
precip 0
# Observers 15
Party miles 18
Party Hours 30
Sites Surveyed
Art Museum garden
Schenck x
Umstead Powerline x
Umstead-Ebenezer bottom x
Buckeye Greenway x
Durant Nature Park x
Falls dam/Neuse River x
Blue Jay Pt.
NCSU Arboretum x
Prairie Ridge x
Horseshoe Farm x
Neuse-Anderson Pt x
Durant Rd Landfill Pk x

Wake Co., NC NABA – Durant Nature Park and North Wake Landfill District Park – August 15, 2014

From Mike Turner:

Today, for the NABA Wake County Butterfly Count, I covered the two above areas; Durant from 9:35am to 1:35pm, and NWLDP from 2pm to 5:30pm. I saw 22 species today, which is my highest one day total this year, but I had to work hard for each one. There were no real highlights, but I did see my first Clouded Skippers of the year. Popular nectar sources were Butterfly-bush at Durant, and Verbena and Sneezeweed at NWLDP. Below are my lists for each place. Good butterflying.

Durant Nature Park

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail-5
Spicebush Swallowtail-2
Sleepy Orange-3
Gray Hairstreak-3
Eastern Tailed-Blue-5
Summer Azure-5
Variegated Fritillary-1
Red-spotted Purple-5
Appalachian Brown-1
Carolina/Intricata Satyr-17
Silver-spotted Skipper-4
Horace’s Duskywing-2
Clouded Skipper-2
Least Skipper-24
Little Glassywing-2
Zabulon Skipper-20
Ocola Skipper-1


Black Swallowtail-2
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail-2
Sleepy Orange-10
Gray Hairstreak-2
Eastern Tailed-Blue-22
Summer Azure-1
Pearl Crescent-2
Common Buckeye-8
Fiery Skipper-1

Forsyth County NABA Count – May 31, 2014

Below is our count and species numbers for the Forsyth County NABA Count held on May the 31st this year. It was a good count for the time of the year and a great count considering the paucity of butterflies this year. Thanks to Marilyn McDonald for doing the heavy lifting on the accumulation of data. Let’s hope for more butterflies in the rest of the year!

It is all about habitat!
Gene Schepker

E. Tiger Swallowtail 18
Spicebush Sw. 2
Cabbage White 49
Clouded Sulphur 13
Orange Su. 9
Cloudless Su. 2
Sleepy Orange 1
Gray Hairstreak 2
Red-banded Ha. 1
E. Tailed-Blue 12
Summer Azure 29
Variegated Fritillary 19
Gr. Spangled Fr. 11
Silvery Checkerspot 5
Pearl Crescent 8
Question Mark 1
E. Comma 2
Am. Lady 9
Red Admiral 6
Com. Buckeye 3
Red-spotted Purple 2
Viceroy 1
Hackberry Emperor 3
N. Pearly-eye 4
Appalachian Brown 1
Carolina Satyr 5
Little Wood-Satyr 10
Monarch 1
Silver-spotted Skipper 18
Com. Sootywing 1
Clouded Skipper 1
Least Skipper 5
Fiery Skipper 1
N. Broken-Dash 1
Little Glassywing 1
Sachem 14
Zabulon Sk. 5
Dun Sk. 1. Total 38 species, 277 individuals.