Author Archives: CBSAdmin

Triad Chapter — Reynolda Gardens — July 22, 2017

The Triad Chapter of the Carolina Butterfly Society held our scheduled butterfly walk in Reynolda Gardens, Winston Salem, NC, on Saturday, July 22, despite the forecast of sunny, very hot, and humid weather. The forecast was right. We began about 9:00 am with a temperature of about 83 degrees, which wasn’t too bad. However, the garden was very humid due to an early morning watering of the flowerbeds and lawn, and there was almost no air movement to cool things.

Despite the heat, we enjoyed walking through the beautiful gardens, and we managed to accumulate a small list of 10 species. There is a long flowerbed that forms a median at the entrance. It was alive with skippers, too many to count. Most were Fiery Skippers with Silver-spotted Skippers a close second, and also a scattering of Sachems and a few Ocola Skippers.

After an hour and a half, the temperature had risen to close to 90, but the heat index made it feel much hotter, so the group decided to end the walk. Here is our list for an hour and a half this morning:

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail – 3 (all black form females)
Cabbage White – 3
Red-banded Hairstreak – 1
American Lady – 1
Silver-spotted Skipper – 20+
Horace’s Duskywing – 5
Fiery Skipper – 30+
Sachem – 5+
Dun Skipper – 1
Ocola Skipper – 6

Dennis Burnette

Triad Chapter — Reynolda Gardens — July 22, 2017

Report Reynolda Gardens Butterfly Walk 7-22

The Triad Chapter of the Carolina Butterfly Society held our scheduled butterfly walk in Reynolda Gardens, Winston Salem, NC, on Saturday, July 22, despite the forecast of sunny, very hot, and humid weather. The forecast was right. We began about 9:00 am with a temperature of about 83 degrees, which wasn’t too bad. However, the garden was very humid due to an early morning watering of the flowerbeds and lawn, and there was almost no air movement to cool things.

Despite the heat, we enjoyed walking through the beautiful gardens, and we managed to accumulate a small list of 10 species. There is a long flowerbed that forms a median at the entrance. It was alive with skippers, too many to count. Most were Fiery Skippers with Silver-spotted Skippers a close second, and also a scattering of Sachems and a few Ocola Skippers.

After an hour and a half, the temperature had risen to close to 90, but the heat index made it feel much hotter, so the group decided to end the walk. Here is our list for an hour and a half this morning:

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail – 3 (all black form females)
Cabbage White – 3
Red-banded Hairstreak – 1
American Lady – 1
Silver-spotted Skipper – 20+
Horace’s Duskywing – 5
Fiery Skipper – 30+
Sachem – 5+
Dun Skipper – 1
Ocola Skipper – 6


Greater Charlotte Chapter — Anne Springs Close Greenway — June 24, 2017

On Saturday, June 24th. the Greater Charlotte Chapter of the Carolina Butterfly Society held a walk at Anne Springs Close Greenway in Fort Mill SC. Participants were Leader Carolyn Seaton, Jean Fontaine, Rob Gilson, and Chris Talkington. The weather was cloudy with a few short peaks of sunshine temps between 77 in the morning to 88 degrees in the afternoon. Very muggy. Here is the list for the day.

12 Tiger Swallowtail
1.  Red- banded Hairstreak
1.  Hairstreak Sp.
2.  Summer Azure
13 Pearl Crescent
2   Polygonia Sp.
2   American Lady
1.  Common Buckeye
2.  Hackberry Emperor
1.  Carolina Satyr
1.  Little Wood Saytr
1.  Gemmed Satyr
25. Silver-spotted Skipper
2.  Hoary Edge
1.  Horace’s Duskywing
2.  Least Skipper
5.  Fiery Skipper
2.  Sachem
3.  Dun Skipper
2.  BYSSUS SKIPPER.    Our target species for the day.
2.  Clouded Skipper
1.  Ocola Skipper

–Chris Talkington

Midlands Chapter — Wateree River Heritage Preserve & Wildlife Mgt Area — June 24, 2017

CBS Midlands Chapter Trip Report
Wateree River Heritage Preserve and Wildlife Management Area
June 24, 2017

The CBS Midlands Chapter joined SCAN (South Carolina Association of Naturalists) on their monthly outing. This month we went to Wateree River HP in Richland County. We Began around 10:45 and ended at 4:45. The day was hot, humid and mostly sunny until late afternoon when the clouds came in for the promised thunderstorm. We were in cars leaving when the rain hit.

Palamedes Swallowtail 2
Pipevine Swallowtail 1
Zebra Swallowtail 7
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 1
Spicebush Swallowtail 5
Little Yellow 1
Sleepy Orange 11
Cloudless Sulphur 1
Variegated Fritillary 4
Pearl Crescent 9
Eastern Comma 1
American Lady 1
American Snout 1
Common Buckeye 4
Red-spotted Purple 9 (including 1 ovipositing on wild cherry. Found 4 eggs
and 2 first instar caterpillars)
Viceroy 2
Carolina/Intricate Satyr 8
Hoary Edge 2
Silver-spotted Skipper 3 (including 2 ovipositing – one on Amorpha Fruticosa
and the other on a different unidentified plant)
Southern Cloudywing 1
Fiery Skipper 1
Whirlabout 3
Dun Skipper 6
Zabulon Skipper 2

Marty Kastner

Triangle Chapter — Butterfly Garden Open House — June 21, 2017

John Jarvis and Lori Carlson hosted an open house of their extensive butterfly garden in Hillsborough, NC to CBS members and others, to show what plants work well at attracting butterflies, or serve as host plants. Visitors were welcome to bring their own plants to swap, or take home any of the giveaways to plant in their own yard. John and Lori gave personalized tours showing visitors the different host and nectar plants and explained the history of their gardening adventure. General education and information about butterflies and gardening was also provided.

The yard had been fairly absent of butterflies but the release of a dozen Monarchs that morning in the garden seemed to encourage other species to show up. A total of 24 different species were sighted during the day. About 24 people came to see the garden and take home some plants. A second open house is scheduled for August 12th when the butterflies will be at or near their peak as a follow-up.

Plants ready to be swapped or given away

Triangle Chapter — Butterfly Day at Big Bloomers Flower Farm — June 17, 2017

We partnered with Big Bloomers Flower Farm for the first annual Butterfly Day to offer general education and information about butterflies, conducted a raise-a-caterpillar workshop, and Creating Your Own Butterfly Garden presentation. Crafts and a DIY butterfly fruit plate activity were also offered. Attendees got to see Black Swallowtail and Silver Spotted Skipper caterpillars. Thirteen Black Swallowtail caterpillars went home to be cared for by workshop participants. The event ended with a butterfly release of a Monarch, six Black Swallowtails, and one Silver Spotted Skipper.

Highlights of the event were posted on the Big Bloomer’s Facebook page along with a live video stream.

Triad Chapter — Poteat Farm Jamestown, NC — June 17, 2017

On Saturday, June 17, thirteen of us explored part of the Poteat Farm in Jamestown, Guilford County, until about noon. The weather was mostly overcast, very humid, with temperatures in the mid 70s. This was a joint trip with the T. Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society of Guilford County.

The Poteat Farm in Jamestown, which is about 70 acres, is a privately owned nature preserve along the Deep River between High Point and Greensboro. Owner Marie Poteat has reintroduced native grasses and other flowering plants in the old farm fields and wooded areas to attract butterflies, birds and other wildlife. Marie actively manages her property to reduce non-native plants.

Marie also has actively increased the number of milkweed species and numbers of milkweed plants all over the property, so butterfliers who are interested specifically in milkweeds had the rare opportunity to see and compare about a dozen milkweed species on this one site. We also found several host plants for other butterflies.

Although we had a great time seeing the plants and birds, the weather conditions were not conducive to butterflies. We saw only the following five species:

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 1, Carolina Satyr 1, American Lady 2, Sachem 2, and Dun Skipper 2.

We appreciate Marie opening her property to us!

Dennis Burnette

Weymouth Woods NP NABA Count — June 15, 2017

Despite weather forecast, 4 of us counted at Weymouth on June 15. With an early start to beat incoming storms we had a Kings at 820am! In the afternoon as the rain came I continued on to the Sandhills game land portions of the count circle to add a few more things before getting totally washed out and almost struck by lightning, yikes! Not much nectar at Weymouth, some at the game lands so with better weather we could probably have a decent count. It took a little effort at Weymouth but eventually got insanely close views of both hairstreaks, like selfie close, no stick required.

7 E tiger swallowtail
9 spicebush swallowtail
2 Palamedes swallowtail
5 Kings Hairstreak (lifer for some)
4 Edwards Hairstreak (lifer for all but me, including a visiting birder/bugger from AZ)
6 E tailed blue
8 Summer Azure
3 Variegated Fritillary
3 Pearl Crescent
6 American Lady
27 Common Buckeye
1 Southern Pearly-eye (lifer for one)
4 Carolina Satyr
4 Southern Cloudywing
5 Zarucco’s Duskywing
1 Horace’s Duskywing
1 Sachem

17 sp, en easy mark to beat next year I guess…
Thanks to John, Lori and Salman for coming out!

Brian Bockhahn

Triad Chapter — Forsyth County, NC — June 10, 2017

Butterfly Field Trip Report Forsyth County, NC

On Saturday morning, June 10, members of the Carolina Butterfly Society Triad Chapter held a butterfly walk in Historic Bethabara Park in Winston-Salem, NC. This outing was rescheduled from May due to rain on the original date. The weather this time was warm, sunny and muggy with the high temperature reaching about 80. Fifteen folks participated.

We were met by Harriet McCarthy, the volunteer in charge of the gardens and a CBS member, who showed us the Monarch Waystation that she organized three yeaers ago and put in place with other Master Gardeners. She also give us an informal tour of the vegetable and herb garden that has many of the same varieties of plants that the early Moravian settlers are thought to have planted on this historic site.

After checking the butterflies in the gardens, we walked a short part of the adjacent greenway. Butterflies were scarce there, possibly because flooding in the past weeks has suppressed nectar flowers. We finished the walk along the edge of the woods on the way back to the parking area.

The following is a cumulative list of 18 species for the group. Thanks to Gene Schepker for compiling it.

Spicebush Swallowtail 1
Cabbage White 10
Orange Sulphur 1
Eastern Tailed Blue 3
American Snout 1
Variegated Fritillary 4
Great Spangled Fritillary 2
American Lady 2
Red Admiral 1
Common Buckeye 4
Hackberry Emperor 1
Silver-spotted Skipper 3
Common Checkered Skipper 1
Common Sootywing 1
Fiery Skipper 3
Crossline Skipper 1
Sachem 1
Dun Skipper 1


Triangle Chapter — Penny’s Bend — June 4, 2017

The Triangle chapter of CBS held a trip to Penny’s Bend, June 4, 2017. The weather was sunny, with little or no wind, temp in the mid 80’s. in attendance were Carla Oldham, Gene Schepker, Lois Schneider, Bud Webster(organizer), and Richard Stickney(leader).
Pipevine swallowtail-11

Eastern tiger swallowtail-1
Spicebush swallowtail-1
American lady-11
Variegated frit-6
Hackberry emperor-1
Summer azure-1
Banded hairstreak-3
Gray hairstreak-1
Northern pearly eye-2
Sleepy orange-1
Eastern tailed blue-11
Pearl crescent-4
Horace’s duskywing-2
Wild indigo duskywing-4
Fiery skipper-3
Dunn skipper-4
Little glassywing-5
Least skipper-1
Swarthy skipper-5
Crossline skipper-1

Bud Webster, Raleigh, NC