Carolina Butterfly Society Midlands Chapter Trip Report
Manchester State Forest
We debated about cancelling this trip due to tropical storm Ana which was located off the SC coast with bands of rain coming on shore. We decided to go ahead with the trip because the forecast for the area was partly cloudy. We had a few sprinkles as we were gathering, but no rain during our walk. We had periods of clouds and sun. In the end we saw 23 species so we were glad that we did not cancel. We did not have a high number of individuals, but were pleased with the species list. In attendance were Bobbie McCutchen, Jean Prothro, Carl Ganser, Dennis Forsythe and Dave and Marty Kastner.
Spicebush Swallowtail 3
Swallowtail species 1
Cabbage White 2
Sleepy Orange 4
Red-banded Hairstreak 1
Gray Hairstreak 1
Summer Azure 21
Eastern Tailed-blue 3
Variegated Fritillary 1
Question Mark 8 (all fresh black “summer” form)
American Lady 2
Red Admiral 3
American Snout 1
Common Buckeye 7
Red-spotted Purple 8
Hackberry Emperor 1
Creole Pearly-eye 1 (not a county record, but a good find)
Carolina/Intricate Satyr 1
Hoary Edge 1
Silver-spotted Skipper 2
Southern Cloudywing 1
Duskywing species 4
Hayhurst’s Scallopwing 1 (another good find)
Dun Skipper 2
Four species of butterflies were getting nutrients from a very decomposed snake carcass. We could see all of the rib bones on the snake.